
Musings from a 16 year old

I am constantly amazed at the wisdom of young people. This was shared with me recently, and with this young person’s permission, I am sharing it with you. Through my life, I’ve learned a lot of things. Recently I’ve been contemplating a lot about what is important and what everyone [...]

By |2019-07-04T19:21:41+00:00September 11th, 2018|Teens, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Musings from a 16 year old

Why Screen Time is Making Your Child Grumpy

Author: Theona E. Kennett Technology has become pervasive in our lives. It’s no longer surprising to see children as young as two and three playing on a tablet or cell phone. However, the convenience unfortunately comes at a steep price. Increasingly, parents are concerned about the negative impacts that screens may be having on their [...]

By |2019-07-04T19:24:44+00:00September 6th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why Screen Time is Making Your Child Grumpy
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